Post Pandemic Economic Strategy For Georgia

First session

Status Update On Georgian Economy And Strategic Priorities

Our speakers will discuss performance of the Georgian economy during the pandemic and key strategic priorities for the years to come, with a particular focus on  how to balance an open economy and long-term growth strategy with the need for:
1) Structural transformation,
2) Short-term growth
3) Employment.


Confirmed speakers :

  • James John, Mission Chief for Georgia at IMF
  • Arkadiy Dobkin, CEO of the world’s leading software engineering company
  • Nugzar Kachukhashvili, CEO, Rustavi Steel
  • Otar Sharikadze, Managing Partner, Galt & Taggart
  • Gregory Kuntz, Managing Director, American International Healthcare Group
  • Kenneth Angell, Managing Director, Project Finance in ODC


    • Mamuka Tsereteli, President, AGBC